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Monday, February 15, 2016

Catholic Lifetime Reading Plan (Sorted by Subject)

Here is Fr. John McCloskey's Catholic Lifetime Reading Plan, sorted by subject:

Catholicism Explained/Theology – Adams – The Spirit of Catholicism
Catholicism Explained/Theology – Bouyer – Spirit and Forms of Protestantism
Catholicism Explained/Theology – Catechism of the Catholic Church
Catholicism Explained/Theology – Hahn – Rome Sweet Home
Catholicism Explained/Theology – Kreeft – Christianity for Modern Pagans
Catholicism Explained/Theology – Newman – Essay on Development of Christian Doctrine
Catholicism Explained/Theology – Ott – Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma
Catholicism Explained/Theology – Pieper – The Four Cardinal Virtues
History and Culture – Belloc – How The Reformation Happened
History and Culture – Belloc – Survivals and New Arrivals
History and Culture – Belloc – The Great Heresies
History and Culture – Carroll – History of Christendom (All Volumes)
History and Culture – Crocker – Triumph
History and Culture – Dawson – Christianity and European Culture
History and Culture – Guardini – End of the Modern World
History and Culture – Hannam – God's Philosophers
History and Culture – Knox – Enthusiasm
History and Culture – Leclercq – Love of Learning and the Desire for God
History and Culture – Walsh – Our Lady of Fatima
Holy Men and Women – Chesterton – St. Francis of Assisi
Holy Men and Women – Day – Long Loneliness
Holy Men and Women – John XXIII – Journal of a Soul
Holy Men and Women – Merton – Seven Storey Mountain
Holy Men and Women – Muggeridge – Something Beautiful for God
Holy Men and Women – Newman – Apologia Pro Vita Sua
Holy Men and Women – Simon Peter – Chevrot
Holy Men and Women – St. Thomas Aquinas – Chesterton
Holy Men and Women – Suarez – Mary of Nazareth
Holy Men and Women – Trochu – Cure of Ars
Holy Men and Women – Wegemer – Thomas More
Holy Men and Women – Weigel – Witness to Hope
Literary Classics – Benson – Lord of the World
Literary Classics – Bernanos – The Diary of a Country Priest
Literary Classics – Cervantes – Don Quixote
Literary Classics – Dante – Divine Comedy
Literary Classics – Eliot – Christianity and Culture
Literary Classics – Endo – Silence
Literary Classics – Hopkins – Hopkins: Poetry and Prose
Literary Classics – Kristen Lavransdatter 1
Literary Classics – Kristen Lavransdatter 2
Literary Classics – Kristen Lavransdatter 3
Literary Classics – Newman – Idea of a University
Literary Classics – O'Connor – Flannery O'Connor: Complete Stories
Literary Classics – Percy – Lost in Cosmos
Literary Classics – Percy – Love in the Ruins
Literary Classics – Sienkiewicz – Quo Vadis
Literary Classics – Tolkien – Lord of Rings
Literary Classics – Waugh – Brideshead Revisited
Misc – Benedict XVI – Day by Day with the Pope
Misc – Benedict XVI – Opera Omnia
Misc – Bennet – The Emotions God Gave You
Misc – Bennet – The Temperament God Gave You
Misc – Enzler – My Other Self
Misc – John Paul II – Opera Omnia
Misc – Masson – Companion Guide to Rome
Misc – Neuhaus – Catholic Matters
Misc – Rice – 50 Questions on the Natural Law
Misc – Sertillanges – Intellectual Life
Misc – Stein – Woman
Misc – The Privilege of Being a Woman – Hildebrand
Spiritual Classics – Augustine – City of God
Spiritual Classics – Augustine – Confessions of St. Augustine
Spiritual Classics – Chesterton – Everlasting Man
Spiritual Classics – Chesterton – Orthodoxy
Spiritual Classics – John of the Cross – Dark Night of the Soul
Spiritual Classics – King's Good Servant but God's First – Monti
Spiritual Classics – Lewis – Mere Christianity
Spiritual Classics – Lewis – Problem with Pain
Spiritual Classics – Lewis – Screwtape Letters
Spiritual Classics – Mother Teresa – Meditations from a Simple Path
Spiritual Classics – Oursler – The Greatest Story Ever Told
Spiritual Classics – St. Catherine – Little Talks with God (modernized version of "The Dialogues")
Spiritual Classics – St. Teresa of Avila – Interior Castle
Spiritual Classics – St. Therese of Lisieux – Story of a Soul
Spiritual Classics – St. Thomas Aquinas – My Way of Life
Spiritual Classics – Teresa of Avila-Way of Perfection
Spiritual Classics – The Lord – Guardini
Spiritual Classics – Transformation – Hildebrand
Spiritual Reading – Aumann – Spiritual Theology
Spiritual Reading – Baur – Frequent Confession
Spiritual Reading – Baur – In Silence with God
Spiritual Reading – Boylan – Difficulties in Mental Prayer
Spiritual Reading – Boylan – Tremendous Lover
Spiritual Reading – Burke – Covenanted Happiness
Spiritual Reading – Caussaude – Abandonment to Divine Providence
Spiritual Reading – Chautard – Soul of Apostolate
Spiritual Reading – Cizek – He Leadeth Me
Spiritual Reading – d'Elbee – I Believe in Love
Spiritual Reading – de la Palma – The Sacred Passion
Spiritual Reading – de Sales – Introduction to Devout Life
Spiritual Reading – de Sales – Treatise on the Love of God
Spiritual Reading – Escriva – Christ is Passing By
Spiritual Reading – Escriva – Way of the Cross
Spiritual Reading – Escriva – Way, Furrow, Forge
Spiritual Reading – Faber – All for Jesus
Spiritual Reading – Garrigou-Lagrange – Three Ages of Interior Life, I
Spiritual Reading – Garrigou-Lagrange – Three Ages of Interior Life, II
Spiritual Reading – Granada – Sinner's Guide
Spiritual Reading – Holzner – Paul of Tarsus
Spiritual Reading – Kelly – Rediscovering Catholicism
Spiritual Reading – Kempis – The Imitation of Christ
Spiritual Reading – Liguori – 12 Steps to Holiness and Salvation
Spiritual Reading – Liguori – The Practice of the Love of God
Spiritual Reading – Liguori – Uniformity with God's Will
Spiritual Reading – Lovasik – The Hidden Power of Kindness
Spiritual Reading – Manzoni – Betrothed
Spiritual Reading – Martinez – True Devotion to the Holy Spirit
Spiritual Reading – Montfort – True Devotion
Spiritual Reading – More – Sadness of Christ
Spiritual Reading – Opera Omnia – (Jacques?) Phillipe
Spiritual Reading – Perquin – Abba Father
Spiritual Reading – Plus – Winning Souls for Christ
Spiritual Reading – Rohrbach – Conversation with Christ
Spiritual Reading – Scupoli – Spiritual Combat
Spiritual Reading – Sheed – Theology for Beginners
Spiritual Reading – Sheed – To Know Christ Jesus
Spiritual Reading – Sheen – Life of Christ
Spiritual Reading – Sheen – Three to Get Married
Spiritual Reading – Tanqueray – Spiritual Life
Spiritual Reading – The Divine Pity – Vann
Spiritual Reading – The Rule of Our Warfare – Newman


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