Automatic photo resizing for Mom’s webmail [Windows]
Mom asked me how to attach photos from her digital camera to her webmail. I showed her, but we waited an annoying amount of time for the five 3-MB photos to upload. Googling around a bit, I found a great free utility called Shrink Pic. It magically resizes photos down to 50-150kb. Works for both webmail clients and desktop email clients. It’s totally automatic—Mom doesn’t know it’s there (other than an icon that appears in the system tray).
I love your mom's ITC support!
My mother is worse than my boss, she wants everything done in few seconds and she phone me mad as a viper when her ISP goes down :).C'est la vie!
sys.out, at 10/14/2009 3:16 a.m.
Jonathan, at 10/14/2009 6:24 p.m.
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