My bro's wedding dance
I'm pretty proud of my brother and his wife. This is their first wedding dance on July 19. It's one of those "surprise" wedding dances (you'll see what I mean), and it incorporates some traditional Filipino dance elements. They practiced each week for nine months.
Jon, that is amazing! What's great about that dance is that it shows the couples ability to work together, and also their wish to entertain everybody who came to the wedding, which is a nice element.
Congratulations to your brother and lovely wife, it looks like they will have a fantastic future together!
Anonymous, at 9/07/2008 4:02 a.m.
Thanks Paul! Good observation about them wanting to entertain the guests. I'll pass on your lovely comment!
Jonathan, at 9/07/2008 8:35 p.m.
That is the best thing I've ever seen!
What an amazing surprise for you all! And great acting!
Just fantastic! And I thought the Cellidh at my brother's wedding (9th August this year) was a bit wild!
Thomas David Baker, at 9/08/2008 2:36 p.m.
Thanks Tom - I'll pass it on!
Cellidh - had to look that one up - must have been a blast!
Jonathan, at 9/08/2008 9:34 p.m.
That is so cool! That must have been a fun wedding :)
Anonymous, at 9/22/2008 11:44 a.m.
Jon, this is Scott from the now defunct How are you? I was checking in and saw your brother's wedding video. What dedication! I had a similar surprise first dance idea for my own wedding but it never got executed (it involved choreography with the wedding party...too much to plan on top of everything else). Your brother nailed it!
Anyway, hope all is well. Best of luck.
Lovermore, at 10/16/2008 8:09 p.m.
Thanks Scott. I have fond memories of - it was fun!
Jonathan, at 10/16/2008 8:38 p.m.
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