Monotype Corsiva bookmarklet
For fans of the Monotype Corsiva font, here's a bookmarklet that will change the font of the current webpage into Monotype Corsiva.
Monotype Corsiva
Monotype Corsiva
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While beautiful and with a nice mood to it, is it really that readable?
Johan Sundström, at 3/07/2007 9:51 p.m.
Hey Johan - It does take some getting used to - but the _mood's_ the thing, as you identified.
Anyway, it's a useful bookmarklet for other fonts as well :-)
Jonathan, at 3/07/2007 10:04 p.m.
I tried with one setting font-family:zapfino. That's definitely not readable, if possibly even more moody. :-) You might like to try playing with my fonts exhibit to try out fonts, by the way, if that's your thing. :-)
Johan Sundström, at 4/02/2007 4:58 p.m.
Johan - cool demo!
Jonathan, at 4/02/2007 11:33 p.m.
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