Readwalking - Jon's Productivity Principle #8
Readwalking is the practice of reading a book while walking. It is a means of making good use of one's time; it is also potentially dangerous, particularly near intersections. It exercises the mind and the body, simultaneously.
I have not seen readwalking practiced in my hometown (Victoria BC), other than my own experiments. Anyone else tried it?
I have not seen readwalking practiced in my hometown (Victoria BC), other than my own experiments. Anyone else tried it?
No way! I get so lost in books I might hit any and all nearby objects!
Leon, at 5/15/2005 1:30 a.m.
Yeah - Maybe you'd better stay away from this activity Leon - for the safety of others.
Jonathan, at 5/15/2005 8:22 a.m.
Xentac! Fellow Victoria readwalker! Greetings!
Jonathan, at 5/15/2005 7:38 p.m.
I am an occasional readwalker. I red much of Guy Kawasaki's "The Art of The Start" while readwalking.
My friend Large John is a big readwalker. He once walked into a schoolbus while readwalking - it was stopped at a redlight :)
Ted Demopoulos, at 5/15/2005 9:31 p.m.
Hi Ted! Good to hear from a fellow RW! May you be safe in your travels and amblings!
Jonathan, at 5/15/2005 10:35 p.m.
Certainly an interesting idea, but the closest I've come to this is listening to "books on tape" from audible on my iPod. In fact, this I do often, at least when not listening to podcasts.
Anonymous, at 5/17/2005 6:44 a.m.
Hey Floozle - Absolutely, audiobooks are to be preferred.
Jonathan, at 5/17/2005 6:54 a.m.
I used to readwalk on my trek home from highschool, but that wasn't anywhere around Victoria. Readbiking is a more advanced exercise of multitasking.
Unknown, at 5/17/2005 5:34 p.m.
Hello Cody! Dare I ask: Have you tried it?
Jonathan, at 5/17/2005 5:38 p.m.
did it ALOT in college... especially on bright, sunny days. Glad I'm not the only one, because you get weird looks when you do it for sure.
George Peterson, at 6/06/2005 8:05 a.m.
George - Welcome to the club!
Jonathan, at 6/06/2005 12:15 p.m.
I've been a readwalker since 3rd grade. I still do it at 36 and I've only ever run into a pole once. I find the place I get the most questioning looks is at a urinal, actually.
Two observations. 1) Big hardbound books make my wrist ache when readwalking. 2) I notice that I have to spend more "processing cycles" when doing dangerous things while reading. This slows down my reading speed. For example, stairs make me really slow.
Anonymous, at 6/10/2005 11:35 a.m.
I readwalk everyday, primarily to and from the parking garage before and after work and to and from the library, but around the office and house as well.
Troy Worman, at 8/09/2005 6:40 p.m.
Hi Troy! It's a useful gift!
Jonathan, at 8/09/2005 9:54 p.m.
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