Drag the bookmarklet to a toolbar or to your bookmarks. While on a webpage, clicking on the bookmarklet will take you to its corresponding Wikalong page.
Hi Anonymous - A bookmarklet is a little button that you can push. See if you can drag the "Wikalong" link up into one of your browser bars up there. Your browser might create a little button called "Wikalong".
Note that I haven't tried Wikalong in 6 months, so I'm not sure how that project is going.
Drag the bookmarklet to a toolbar or to your bookmarks. While on a webpage, clicking on the bookmarklet will take you to its corresponding Wikalong page.
Anonymous, at 12/10/2004 1:15 a.m.
Thanks Anonymous for adding the instructions!
Jonathan, at 12/10/2004 1:43 a.m.
what's the bookmarklet?
Anonymous, at 6/29/2005 8:35 a.m.
what's a bookmarklet
Anonymous, at 6/29/2005 8:36 a.m.
Hi Anonymous - A bookmarklet is a little button that you can push. See if you can drag the "Wikalong" link up into one of your browser bars up there. Your browser might create a little button called "Wikalong".
Note that I haven't tried Wikalong in 6 months, so I'm not sure how that project is going.
Jonathan, at 6/29/2005 9:43 p.m.
this bookmarklet uses an unknown server, page not found
Anonymous, at 2/21/2006 12:00 p.m.
Hi Anon - hm - pity that - haven't tried it in a while so I'm not surprised.
Actually Google now has a Firefox extension that serves a similar purpose, so am using that currently. "Blogger Web Comments".
Jonathan, at 2/21/2006 4:27 p.m.
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