Git command to show you the largest commits you did in the past week
At Ning, we have a weekly meeting where we give feedback to the team based on how the week went. However, it's hard for me to remember the most important things I did in the past week.
The following git command will help. It gives you the commits from the past week sorted by number of lines:
It produces output like this:
The following git command will help. It gives you the commits from the past week sorted by number of lines:
git fetch; git log --author=Aquino --shortstat --pretty=format:'%C(yellow)%h %C(blue)%ad (%ar) %C(green)%cn %C(reset)%s' --date=short --since='1 week ago' "--remotes=*" -C | perl -ple 's/.*, (\d+ insertion).*/\1/' | perl -0 -ple 's/(.*\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d.*)\n(\d+) insertion*/\2 \1/g' | sort -nr | less(Make sure to replace Aquino with your name.)
It produces output like this:
90 0d9214a 2014-09-26 (3 days ago) Jonathan Aquino ABC-487: Extract uploading code into AbcUpload class.
68 0978007 2014-09-25 (4 days ago) Jonathan Aquino [no-jira] Remove hardcoded numbers...
54 d28dc90 2014-09-23 (6 days ago) Jonathan Aquino ABC-330: Make cropping actually work.
52 94afa2f 2014-09-24 (5 days ago) Jonathan Aquino [no-jira] Show full text of post in the detail view.
47 77e4710 2014-09-25 (4 days ago) Jonathan Aquino ABC-487: Extracted controller function into AbcCamera...
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