I'd like to record here (and in the comments) some tips for organizing your desktop for use with dual monitors. The productivity gains of having a second monitor are well known--what isn't so well known are best practices for using two monitors (window layout, etc.)
A couple of suggestions that come to mind are (and these are purely experimental--only time will bear out their effectiveness):
* Placing the second monitor above the first, rather than to the side. I'm trying this with my laptop monitor and my external monitor, and it seems to be working well as I don't need to turn my head to see either of the screens.
* Moving the taskbar to the left of the screen rather than keeping it at the bottom. This allows us to see the full titles of all our open windows (and having dual screens, we usually have a lot more windows open). I prefer to open separate Firefox windows and text-editor windows, rather than use tabs (so I can see documents side-by-side), so having a list of the titles of open windows will probably prove extremely handy.
* Install TopDesk. This is an Expose clone for Windows--it's a $10 program that shows you thumbnails of all open windows. I'm not sure how valuable this will be in the long run (it's certainly pleasing eye-candy). Moreover it won't let you search the titles of open windows, but that's easily solved with my
Find Window macro.
What are other best practices for computing in a multimonitor world?