:: View topic - del.icio.us PDA = cutting-edge read/review system
Here's a great way to copy read/review material to your PDA on a nightly basis.
I like to bookmark web articles I intend to review when I have discretionary time. I use the very popular web bookmarking service del.icio.us. One of the great things about del.icio.us is its tagging feature -- in this case, I tag the web articles with 'read-review'.
Tonight I thought, wouldn't it be great to have all of the latest read-review articles on my PDA? To do this, I use Plucker (there are Palm and Pocket PC versions) to go to my del.icio.us read-review page -- http://del.icio.us/JonathanAquino/read-review -- and I set it up to download the links to my PDA each night.
Voila - all the latest web materials to read/review, right on my PDA and kept continuously up to date! Yay!
I like to bookmark web articles I intend to review when I have discretionary time. I use the very popular web bookmarking service del.icio.us. One of the great things about del.icio.us is its tagging feature -- in this case, I tag the web articles with 'read-review'.
Tonight I thought, wouldn't it be great to have all of the latest read-review articles on my PDA? To do this, I use Plucker (there are Palm and Pocket PC versions) to go to my del.icio.us read-review page -- http://del.icio.us/JonathanAquino/read-review -- and I set it up to download the links to my PDA each night.
Voila - all the latest web materials to read/review, right on my PDA and kept continuously up to date! Yay!
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