Good Pocket PC apps
* ftxPBrowser (freeware) - tabbed web browser
* Where Is My Ram? (freeware) - identify the folders taking up the most space on your PPC
* WiFiFoFum or MiniStumbler (both freeware) - detect the presence of nearby WiFi networks
* Python (freeware) - a Python programming environment on your PPC
* BatteryTime (freeware) - Today plug-in that displays battery level. Works with WM2003ME (unlike BatTimeMem)
* MagicButton (freeware) - makes the X button close (not just minimize) the current app. Plus it puts icons of all running apps in the title bar. Works with WM2003ME (unlike icBar, Wisbar)
* Shutdown (freeware) - lets you turn off or soft-reset your PPC. Looks like the WinXP shutdown dialog
* Flite (freeware) - Text-to-speech - paste in some text and it will read it aloud
* Gikadiver (freeware) - great looking game to show off to your friends the capabilities of your PPC. Spaceship side-scroller. Picture here:
* GsFinder+ (freeware) - powerful replacement for File Explorer. I love the ability to make the fonts super-small, and to re-associate file extensions.
* HandyShopper (freeware) - Checklist manager (not just for shopping!). I love the handy dropdown which enables you to easily access any of your lists. Port of the very famous HandyShopper for Palm (same file format). No desktop companion program, but exports to CSV.
* VadeMecum (freeware) - Great tool for viewing websites offline. Excellent alternative to AvantGo, which suffers from a 2MB download limit. Uses Plucker to do the scheduled website downloading.
* WiFiPower (freeware) - For Axim X30 users: just turns on WiFi. The built-in program always turns on both WiFi and Bluetooth (yep we X30 owners are lucky dogs).
* Adobe Reader (freeware) - read those pdf's on the go
* Calc 98 (freeware) - powerful calculator replacement
* Frequency Tuner (freeware) - graphical frequency graph - used for tuning musical instruments
* Launcher by Scott Seligman - (freeware) - place dozens of tiny icons on your Today screen as shortcuts to your favourite apps. Use cLaunch (freeware) if you want to have tabs. Use tdLaunch (freeware) if you want control over icon size and a graphical user interface for easily picking programs. I prefer Launcher to tdLaunch because (1) Launcher alphabetically sorts my entries automatically, and (2) tdLaunch's GUI is unwieldy I want to add a lot of apps at once - with Launcher it's a simple matter of copying shortcuts from one directory to another.
* NoteM (freeware) - MP3 recorder. MP3 files are a lot smaller than WAV files.
* VBirthday (freeware) - Shows the birthdays for your contacts
* Pocket Informant. Powerful replacement for the primitive built-in productivity apps (calendar, todo, notes). You can get it for half-price ($15) by clicking this link:§ionId=0&addItem=10226&catalog=1&code=CBA77
* ftxPBrowser (freeware) - tabbed web browser
* Where Is My Ram? (freeware) - identify the folders taking up the most space on your PPC
* WiFiFoFum or MiniStumbler (both freeware) - detect the presence of nearby WiFi networks
* Python (freeware) - a Python programming environment on your PPC
* BatteryTime (freeware) - Today plug-in that displays battery level. Works with WM2003ME (unlike BatTimeMem)
* MagicButton (freeware) - makes the X button close (not just minimize) the current app. Plus it puts icons of all running apps in the title bar. Works with WM2003ME (unlike icBar, Wisbar)
* Shutdown (freeware) - lets you turn off or soft-reset your PPC. Looks like the WinXP shutdown dialog
* Flite (freeware) - Text-to-speech - paste in some text and it will read it aloud
* Gikadiver (freeware) - great looking game to show off to your friends the capabilities of your PPC. Spaceship side-scroller. Picture here:
* GsFinder+ (freeware) - powerful replacement for File Explorer. I love the ability to make the fonts super-small, and to re-associate file extensions.
* HandyShopper (freeware) - Checklist manager (not just for shopping!). I love the handy dropdown which enables you to easily access any of your lists. Port of the very famous HandyShopper for Palm (same file format). No desktop companion program, but exports to CSV.
* VadeMecum (freeware) - Great tool for viewing websites offline. Excellent alternative to AvantGo, which suffers from a 2MB download limit. Uses Plucker to do the scheduled website downloading.
* WiFiPower (freeware) - For Axim X30 users: just turns on WiFi. The built-in program always turns on both WiFi and Bluetooth (yep we X30 owners are lucky dogs).
* Adobe Reader (freeware) - read those pdf's on the go
* Calc 98 (freeware) - powerful calculator replacement
* Frequency Tuner (freeware) - graphical frequency graph - used for tuning musical instruments
* Launcher by Scott Seligman - (freeware) - place dozens of tiny icons on your Today screen as shortcuts to your favourite apps. Use cLaunch (freeware) if you want to have tabs. Use tdLaunch (freeware) if you want control over icon size and a graphical user interface for easily picking programs. I prefer Launcher to tdLaunch because (1) Launcher alphabetically sorts my entries automatically, and (2) tdLaunch's GUI is unwieldy I want to add a lot of apps at once - with Launcher it's a simple matter of copying shortcuts from one directory to another.
* NoteM (freeware) - MP3 recorder. MP3 files are a lot smaller than WAV files.
* VBirthday (freeware) - Shows the birthdays for your contacts
* Pocket Informant. Powerful replacement for the primitive built-in productivity apps (calendar, todo, notes). You can get it for half-price ($15) by clicking this link:§ionId=0&addItem=10226&catalog=1&code=CBA77
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